Create unprecedented wealth in your life and business in the all access year-long coaching experience with The Millionaire Mother

Create unprecedented wealth in your life and business in the all access year-long coaching experience with The Millionaire Mother

For the woman who knows in her bones that Motherhood is a vital part of her life’s mission, but isn’t ready to turn down the dial on her business ambition… 

it's your time.

This is the year you grow your company and wealth beyond your wildest dreams — while rising and thriving as a richly resourced Mother.


The Millionaire Mother Experience is MORE than an entire year of bi-weekly LIVE coaching with me, focused specifically on growing your business, your wealth, your leadership, your legacy, and YOURSELF as a devoted Mother — 

MORE than an exclusive all-access pass to my entire Body of Work including every single course, masterclass, and business training I’ve ever created *plus* a banging learning vault filled with all my signature programs (worth more than triple the price of tuition alone, and comprising over 200 video trainings dripping in value, 125 resource materials, and 1 complete business standard operating procedures library — literal f*cking GOLD)... 

MORE than a front row VIP seat inside every single *NEW* LIVE program I run in the next year (I’m a Splenic Manifestor in Human Design with creative surges that could power a small country, and I birth at LEAST 4 completely new, full-blown, revolutionary programs every year)… 

MORE than the business sisterhood mamahood of your wildest dreams, with other boss mamas charting their unique course of Legacy Wealth, wild impact, and soul-deep fulfillment at home and inside their companies.


The Millionaire Mother Experience is MORE than an entire year of bi-weekly LIVE coaching with me, focused specifically on growing your business, your wealth, your leadership, your legacy, and YOURSELF as a devoted Mother — 

MORE than an exclusive all-access pass to my entire Body of Work including every single course, masterclass, and business training I’ve ever created *plus* a banging learning vault filled with all my signature programs (worth more than triple the price of tuition alone, and comprising over 200 video trainings dripping in value, 125 resource materials, and 1 complete business standard operating procedures library — literal f*cking GOLD)... 

MORE than a front row VIP seat inside every single *NEW* LIVE program I run in the next year (I’m a Splenic Manifestor in Human Design with creative surges that could power a small country, and I birth at LEAST 4 completely new, full-blown, revolutionary programs every year)… 

MORE than the business sisterhood mamahood of your wildest dreams, with other boss mamas charting their unique course of Legacy Wealth, wild impact, and soul-deep fulfillment at home and inside their companies.
The Millionaire Mother Experience is a catalytic EXPANSION portal — designed to equip Mother CEOs and aspiring Mother business owners like you with the real-time tactical mentorship, practical tools, energetic resources, no-fluff strategy, and ride-or-die community you need to grow your business to unprecedented heights, while soaking up every precious detail of the richly textured, ravishing Motherhood experience you’ve always dreamt of.


Waking up to the softness of your babies huddled against your skin, and checking your phone to see you've made THOUSANDS before even getting out of bed (and relishing in the realization that *this* your new normal)...

Enjoying a spacious weekly schedule where ample personal and family time are non-negotiable givens, and having the backend infrastructure that ensures that you, your kids, and your partner are never an afterthought at the end of the day, but your highest priority...

Knowing that your offer suite creates world-class results and raving clients and makes you BANK without demanding that you be glued to your phone or laptop, so you can spend more time dreaming up scavenger hunts and epic birthday parties, not feeling distracted through your kids' most precious years...

Anchoring into your truest identity as a Mother and Business Owner, and unearthing a blueprint for success where your devotion to Motherhood is an asset that fuels your company’s growth, instead of stifling or slowing it...

Never being triggered by the Mother CEO who ‘has it all’ and leads from pure overflow ever again… because you’ve remembered that you ARE her. And you’re ready to become her, right now.

Let’s cut straight to it —
(I know you’ve got a million things to do and mouths to feed).

The Millionaire Mother Experience is the space for you if:

 You feel Motherhood pulling you towards a rebirth inside yourself and your business, and it both terrifies and excites you. You are awakening to the truest, most embodied version of you, and know your most magical, impactful work is yet to come. You’re deeply craving the space to reimagine yourself, your Body of Work, and how you intentionally build the abundant business of your dreams in your new reality as a pioneering Mother CEO.
 You’re straight-up done with trying to grow your business like a maiden or a man. No more high-adrenaline high cash month chasing at all costs to your health and sanity, or allowing work to creep into every spare crevice of your day. Do you want to make millions? Absolutely. But you’re not willing to settle for anything less than a sustainable business model that honors your rhythms, needs, and desires as a devoted mama (read: stacks on stacks of MRR, Stripe notifications blowing your phone up when you’re changing nappies, building sandcastles, or settling in for your regular afternoon nap). 
 You know in your bones that you’re here to steward a *big* Body of Work and become a millionaire. And not just any millionaire, but one with a relaxed and regulated nervous system and the ability to receive and *hold* MORE in your life and business with safety, pleasure, and ease. You’re being called to dream bigger, play a bigger game, and create a legacy that fills every corner of your life with overflowing abundance. You’re ready to say goodbye to the drained and time-strapped girl boss archetype, and rise as an embodied, whole, and richly resourced Millionaire Mother. 
 You're craving a consistent container to support your growth for a whole year from a multimillionaire Mother business Mentor who *GETS* what you’re going through — and has done it herself, all while growing, birthing, and raising small humans. You know that business growth in this season has to meet you deeply where you’re at and you’re so ready to be led by a fellow Mother mentor who has not only made millions as a mama, but who has created the most supportive AF container with other powerful mama entrepreneurs who are ready to make big, expansive moves alongside you. 

So, what do YOU need to become the first Millionaire Mother in your lineage?

Let’s break it down
The Millionaire Mother Experience provides you with an entire year of the LIVE coaching support, actionable resources, and rich community you need to rise into the Mother CEO who can gracefully hold both worlds: 

her growing babies, 
and her growing business.

Forget the programs that gather dust in ancient vaults because they aren’t relevant to your life as a mama, and lack the structure, strategy, and tactics required to scale a business while raising small humans!

Inside The Millionaire Mother Experience, we focus on: 

Harnessing your Queen Bee energy and Matriarch identity so you can be a match for the expansive vision you’re anchoring for your life, company, and legacy.

Creating a Motherhood-friendly business model and the business team infrastructure and home support systems that will allow you to grow your impact and revenue, while ensuring spaciousness in your schedule so snuggles with your babies and ample connection time with your partner remain at the tippy top of your priorities list.
Mastering the feminine and masculine sides of your business by integrating the inner work with the outer work and harmonizing your desire to dream, play, and create with your ability to focus, strategize, and execute, unlocking even more freedom and possibilities for growth.

Elevating your brand, thought leadership, and marketing in a way that feels intentional, aligned, and undeniably you. Even if you’ve deemed yourself “mediocre” at storytelling, you’re going to learn how to source the message you want to speak and share as Mother business owner, and unleash the most truthful, resonant, and embodied expression of your brand identity that compels your desired audience to listen and take action.

Upgrading your leadership capacity, at home and inside your business, through the inner work required of you to step into a more powerful version of yourself, stand steady at the helm of your movement, and steward wealth in a much bigger way.

Mastering the feminine and masculine sides of your business by integrating the inner work with the outer work and harmonizing your desire to dream, play, and create with your ability to focus, strategize, and execute, unlocking even more freedom and possibilities for growth.

Elevating your brand, thought leadership, and marketing in a way that feels intentional, aligned, and undeniably you. Even if you’ve deemed yourself “mediocre” at storytelling, you’re going to learn how to source the message you want to speak and share as Mother business owner, and unleash the most truthful, resonant, and embodied expression of your brand identity that compels your desired audience to listen and take action.

Upgrading your leadership capacity, at home and inside your business, through the inner work required of you to step into a more powerful version of yourself, stand steady at the helm of your movement, and steward wealth in a much bigger way.

The Millionaire Mother Experience is intentionally designed to give you, step-by-step, everything you need to grow and scale a 7-figure+ online business as a Mother.

(Literally everything: The entire experience breaks down, topic by topic, exactly HOW I’ve grown a multimillion dollar empire from zero in five years — while birthing and raising two kiddos, with a third on the way — and have helped my clients generate multiple 8 figures over that time.)

From the brass tacks business STRATEGY — i.e. product suite and pricing, lead generation, marketing and messaging, launching and sales, wealth-building and management, and backend 7-figure systems… 

To the invisible INNER WORK & LEADERSHIP EMBODIMENT that makes the whole show run — i.e. your mindset, boundaries and behaviors, energetics and embodiment, and so much more… 

To the MOTHERHOOD MUST-HAVES you won’t find inside any other container inside this industry — i.e. how to source and establish your home and business support infrastructure, daily rhythms and workflow as a Mother CEO, creating your dream maternity and postpartum periods, the birth portal and business, clearing contracts and reestablishing boundaries in Motherhood, keeping the spark juicy and alive in your relationship post-babies, and so much more!

(Literally everything: The entire experience breaks down, topic by topic, exactly HOW I’ve grown a multimillion dollar empire from zero in five years — while birthing and raising two kiddos, with a third on the way — and have helped my clients generate multiple 8 figures over that time.)

From the brass tacks business STRATEGY — i.e. product suite and pricing, lead generation, marketing and messaging, launching and sales, wealth-building and management, and backend 7-figure systems… 

To the invisible INNER WORK & LEADERSHIP EMBODIMENT that makes the whole show run — i.e. your mindset, boundaries and behaviors, energetics and embodiment, and so much more… 

To the MOTHERHOOD MUST-HAVES you won’t find inside any other container inside this industry — i.e. how to source and establish your home and business support infrastructure, daily rhythms and workflow as a Mother CEO, creating your dream maternity and postpartum periods, the birth portal and business, clearing contracts and reestablishing boundaries in Motherhood, keeping the spark juicy and alive in your relationship post-babies, and so much more!

We leave no stone unturned when it comes to creating unprecedented growth — in your business, your wealth, and yourself.

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside (brace yourself, mama — this will blow you away)… 

24 (2x monthly for a year) 90-minute LIVE Business & Leadership Group Q&A Coaching Sessions with Cait ($48,000 value)

Say what?! 2x monthly live coaching sessions with me as your mentor…for a whole YEAR?! As in, ask me absolutely anything about YOUR business and get personally coached by me? Yup.

Live group coaching is the SINGLE fastest way I know to quantum speed your results. Every month, we’ll have 2 monthly Coaching Q&A Sessions on Zoom focused on Business Energetics & Strategy. 

24 (2x monthly for a year) 90-minute LIVE Business & Leadership Group Q&A Coaching Sessions with Cait ($48,000 value)

Say what?! 2x monthly live coaching sessions with me as your mentor…for a whole YEAR?! As in, ask me absolutely anything about YOUR business and get personally coached by me? Yup.

Live group coaching is the SINGLE fastest way I know to quantum speed your results. Every month, we’ll have 2 monthly Coaching Q&A Sessions on Zoom focused on Business Energetics & Strategy. 

12 (1x monthly for a year) 60 minute LIVE Guest Expert Sessions ($18,000 value)

Learn directly from other top industry-leading Mother CEOs and discover their tools for creating extraordinary impact and wealth, without sacrificing a life- and family-first vision. 

From Human Design in Parenting to mamahood-friendly Biz Systems, from sex and intimacy as a new mama to nervous system healing for generational repair, from preparing yourself and your business for a supported birth to navigating the rollercoaster of postpartum bliss and blues, these guest expert sessions by industry way-paving Mothers and experts are going to expand your network and give you a curated Mother’s dream experience like no other.

A Private Circle Community Space with Your Millionaire Mother Experience besties… A.K.A. your new business soul fam! ($6,000 value)

Ever heard your network is your net worth? Being part of the MME Circle community alone is worth the entire investment! Grow, learn, collaborate, and connect with the other trailblazing, movement-building Mothers and create friendships that form the lifeblood of your support squad for years to come. 

A Private Circle Community Space with Your Millionaire Mother Experience besties… A.K.A. your new business soul fam! ($6,000 value)

Ever heard your network is your net worth? Being part of the MME Circle community alone is worth the entire investment! Grow, learn, collaborate, and connect with the other trailblazing, movement-building Mothers and create friendships that form the lifeblood of your support squad for years to come. 

1x monthly 60 minute LIVE Pod Mamahood Call led by a MME Support Coach ($12,000 value)

Every month, you’ll have a small group (10 max) Pod Call to huddle up for deep connection and rich digestion, led by one of our exquisite Millionaire Mother Support Coaches. 

But wait, that’s not even close to all 

The Millionaire Mother Experience is also *the* VIP access card to my entire Body of Work, which is *only* available through the Experience (or private mentorship, at over 15x the price point).

This means you’ll be getting an all-access pass to every course, masterclass, and business training I’ve ever created…

And did I mention the banging learning vault filled with ALL my signature programs?!

But wait, that’s not even close to all 

The Millionaire Mother Experience is also *the* VIP access card to my entire Body of Work, which is *only* available through the Experience (or private mentorship, at over 15x the price point).

This means you’ll be getting an all-access pass to every course, masterclass, and business training I’ve ever created…

And did I mention the banging learning vault filled with ALL my signature programs?!

As part of The Millionaire Mother Experience, you’ll get unrestricted access to:

OVER $33,000 IN VALUE!


Thought I was done? Not quite! 

*In addition* to the programs listed above, you’ll also get:

Access to each new program I create for an entire year, giving you an invaluable front-row seat to cutting-edge innovation and business leadership. ($16,000 value)
Half off Millionaire Mother retreats at my 12 acre homestead in Maine and exclusive invitations to events and special MME-only offers. ($2,222 value)
 One full year inside The Village Membership for Mother Entrepreneurs (details to be announced soon). ($1,164 value)

Insane, right?

That’s over $100,000 in value — ZERO exaggeration. 

I’ve seen containers that cost 5 times this with a fraction of the support and resources you’ll receive inside The Millionaire Mother Experience.

But the best part? Despite this being a 6 figure program, you’re not going to pay anywhere near its total value when you sign up! 


$14,000 PIF 
$1,250/month for 12 months 

I want this to be the year that we not only see a surge in feminine wealth, but a surge in wealth that’s held by Mothers. 

I believe that well-resourced Mothers, boldly choosing to rise into their full potential, are the most powerful force on the planet.

When a Mother chooses herself, she transforms her entire legacy.

She heals her ancestral lineage and paves the wave for generations to come.

She ignites waves of positive change in her community. 

She becomes present and awake to the whole spectrum of her purpose and potential, and the become for her children to choose the same – the beacon for her children to grow up in greater safety and security, 

If The Millionaire Mother Experience is calling your name, join now:


You decide, mama.
I want you to ask yourself:

→ What’s breaking every single mold in your family to change the financial legacy of your lineage forever — while healing any scarcity trauma from your ancestral line — worth to you?

→ What’s having mentorship that meets you in fullness of the reality you are leading from as a Mother — mentorship that acknowledges that your Motherly essence, identity, and responsibility permeate every inch of your life, and must be part and parcel with running and growing your business — worth to you? 

→ What’s being able to create the financial wealth of your dreams, while having a rich Motherhood experience, worth to you?

→ What’s cultivating true sisterhood with other ambitious, big-hearted Mothers and mamas to be, who *get* the struggle and the triumph of exactly what you’re going through, worth to you?

→ What’s choosing your faith over your fear, and reaping the exquisite reward of basking in the glow of your *highest* vision for your life and family, worth to you?

→ What’s living in a world where the archetype of the grounded, fulfilled, and monied Mother is not the outlier, but the norm — where the wild wealth and devoted Motherhood are not odds, but coexist in thriving harmony — worth to you?

 What’s The Millionaire Mother Experience worth to you?

It’s time to claim the rich legacy that’s waiting for you.

Meet Your Mentor

Founder of The Millionaire Mother™ , Cait Scudder

Cait Scudder is a high school teacher turned multiple 7-figure Business Mentor for Mother CEOs. A TEDx speaker, host of The Millionaire Mother podcast, and internationally recognized online business expert, as well as a loving wife and mama to two kiddos under 3 (and a third on the way), Cait’s mission is to empower ambitious Mothers to create the wildly profitable businesses they dream of without sacrificing the rich Motherhood experience they desire and deserve. Cait’s helped her clients generate over $20M in collective revenue, and her work has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, and Business Insider among several other publications. 

Meet Your Support Coach

Regina Verret Foster

Regina is an energy and birth worker who specializes in Astrology, Human Design, physiological birth and holistic postpartum care. She is the founder of The Celestial Womb, a container created to help women reconnect with their inner source and re-align. Before founding The Celestial Womb, she spent a decade in the corporate legal business world focusing on legal technology, solutions, research and business sales. Regina incorporates all of her energetic knowledge into her free birth and postpartum offerings and takes a mind, body, and spirit approach to guiding her clients back to themselves. 

Meet Your Support Coach

Alexandra Wiatr

Together with her husband and their two daughters on her hip (and one more on the way!), Alex built a multi-million dollar soulful product business on Amazon in under 3 years. In addition, she’s had the pleasure of mentoring women along their own wealth building journeys, as well as coaching hundreds of people across the globe in the e-commerce space.

Alongside her entrepreneurial journey and after a deep struggle with her mental health in 2019, Alex immersed herself into the world of feminine embodiment. She dedicated her early motherhood days to refining the darkest corners of her mind and getting comfortable in the depths of her soul. Somewhat accidentally, she realized that the deeper she connected to her sensuality, the faster & more exponentially her business - and therefore her family’s wealth - grew.

Meet Your Mentor

Founder of The Millionaire Mother™ , Cait Scudder

Cait Scudder is a high school teacher turned multiple 7-figure Business Mentor for Mother CEOs. A TEDx speaker, host of The Millionaire Mother podcast, and internationally recognized online business expert, as well as a loving wife and mama to two kiddos under 3 (and a third on the way), Cait’s mission is to empower ambitious Mothers to create the wildly profitable businesses they dream of without sacrificing the rich Motherhood experience they desire and deserve. Cait’s helped her clients generate over $20M in collective revenue, and her work has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, and Business Insider among several other publications. 

Meet Your Support Coach

Regina Verret Foster

Regina is an energy and birth worker who specializes in Astrology, Human Design, physiological birth and holistic postpartum care. She is the founder of The Celestial Womb, a container created to help women reconnect with their inner source and re-align. Before founding The Celestial Womb, she spent a decade in the corporate legal business world focusing on legal technology, solutions, research and business sales. Regina incorporates all of her energetic knowledge into her free birth and postpartum offerings and takes a mind, body, and spirit approach to guiding her clients back to themselves. 

Meet Your Support Coach

Alexandra Wiatr

Together with her husband and their two daughters on her hip (and one more on the way!), Alex built a multi-million dollar soulful product business on Amazon in under 3 years. In addition, she’s had the pleasure of mentoring women along their own wealth building journeys, as well as coaching hundreds of people across the globe in the e-commerce space.

Alongside her entrepreneurial journey and after a deep struggle with her mental health in 2019, Alex immersed herself into the world of feminine embodiment. She dedicated her early motherhood days to refining the darkest corners of her mind and getting comfortable in the depths of her soul. Somewhat accidentally, she realized that the deeper she connected to her sensuality, the faster & more exponentially her business - and therefore her family’s wealth - grew.

Lingering questions?

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