→ What’s
breaking every single mold in your family to change the financial legacy of your lineage forever — while healing any scarcity trauma from your ancestral line — worth to you?
→ What’s having mentorship that meets you in fullness of the reality you are leading from as a Mother — mentorship that acknowledges that your Motherly essence, identity, and responsibility permeate every inch of your life, and must be part and parcel with running and growing your business — worth to you?
→ What’s being able to create the financial wealth of your dreams, while having a rich Motherhood experience, worth to you?
→ What’s cultivating true sisterhood with other ambitious, big-hearted Mothers and mamas to be, who *get* the struggle and the triumph of exactly what you’re going through, worth to you?
→ What’s choosing your faith over your fear, and reaping the exquisite reward of basking in the glow of your *highest* vision for your life and family, worth to you?
→ What’s living in a world where the archetype of the grounded, fulfilled, and monied Mother is not the outlier, but the norm — where the wild wealth and devoted Motherhood are not odds, but coexist in thriving harmony — worth to you?